The answer to "can separated couples reunite?" is a resounding "Yes!" Statistics on separation and divorce proves this as only 87% of separated couples proceed to obtain a divorce. The remaining 13% reunite after separation. All you need to reunite after separation is the commitment of both parties to work towards reuniting and some sound relationship advice. Statistics On Divorced Couples Getting Back Together
The five tips given below are proven to work for reuniting after separation, and these are sure to help you and your partner get back on track with your relationship.
Tip # 1: Commit to reunite
Separated couples cannot reunite successfully if there is a lack of commitment by the partners for getting back together. Both partners should have the will to reunite and should commit the time and energy needed for any progress in getting back together.
Tip # 2: Do not make the mistake of getting together too soon after intending to reunite
One mistake most couples do is getting together too soon after communicating to each other their intention to reunite. Give each other sometime to prepare themselves for the relationship once again. One of the major relationship breakers for separated couples reuniting is having sex too soon. It is good to rebuild your relationship slowly so that you are ready again for the demands of your relationship.

Tip # 3: Give each o ther some space
Contrary to the popular belief that you need to get very close to your partner for reuniting, it is good to give each other some space to figure things out by themselves. Otherwise your partner may feel smothered by you and may move further away. Limit communication even after you convey your message intending to reunite, till your partner has worked things out. Do not push too much for reunification as this may scare your partner away. Statistics On Divorced Couples Getting Back Together
Tip #4: Do not expect major changes to happen overnight
It is wise to go into the reunited relationship with open eyes. You need to understand that change can come only gradually and develop patience, to wait for the changes. Appreciating the positive changes in your partner, even if they are little things can help reinforce this type of behavior. It would also be good if you could communicate to your partner, in a subtle and nice way your needs in the newly reunited relationship. Your partner is sure to take the right steps to please you. Reciprocating this type of behavior will result in strengthening your newly reunited relationship after separation.
Tip # 5: Resolve to change things that did not work the first time round
A vital point for reunification after separation is the understanding that the relationship cannot go back to where it came from. If things were okay, it would not have ended in separation in the first place. Both partners need to figure out what went wrong the first time and try to make things different after reuniting. It is good to take a good hard look at your own behavior to identify how you can make things better with the second chance that you have been given.
The tips given above are based on the experiences of lucky 13% of separated couples who reunited successfully. So, if you are serious about reuniting with your partner after separation, give these tips arty and they are sure to work towards success in reuniting your relationship with your partner after separation. Statistics On Divorced Couples Getting Back Together
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